Monday, June 17, 2013

Everyone knew lance Armstrong was lying but

  • From there nicotine patch to their Parkinson’s drug they control the crave Everyone knew lance Armstrong was lying but the medical monopoly is master at hiding the truth, they just don’t make designer drugs for the jocks- they control the crave – from there nicotine patch to their Parkinson’s drug- the technology they use is classified- needless air powered injectors, sound waves- man only sees a small fraction of true light -if he’s not seeing thing in inferred, gamma, ultraviolet, thermo imaging he’s not seeing the real world- sound technology is classified information _ Columbia journalism review and again man only hears a small spectrum of sound- time and time again we hear of these web sites prison coast to coast am- we see these crazy on the street talking to themselves and we are led to believe it’s just another immoral lazy criminal we allow the police empire to grow out of control as they spend 12.9 million dollars targeting people like Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong but do you really believe it’s just another crazy what if you refused to join them in their genocide- look the arabs have access to technology that can find oil miles below the ocean do you think anyone can be safe in their little brick house- if you refused to join them in their racist genocide the largest jail population in the world and you just believe it’s another week will individual – metallic nirvana- pink Floyd the wall, van Halen but these are just nice songs from a bunch of drug users right? I mean everyone know Thomas Edison must of stolen the light bulb isn’t that what illegal drug users do? How are you going to prove something you can’t see? And when they come after you with the crave you would do just about anything to seek relief- just another crazy/ when the Spanish first came to the America the Indians could not explain the technology- kill a deer without a bow or arrow they must be gods give up your freedom or you must be crazy -is today any different, as these cowards and the 1% the super-rich decide who is going to prosper and who isn’t as we slowly become slave labor, prison labor, or medical experiment

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist
    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why America has the highest addiction rate in the world- it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why America has 500,000 more criminals than China who has a billion more people- When America could have fuel for $0.98 cents a gallon from weed, from HEMP, (npr) Instead we get ripped off a million dollars a minute so the oil and petro chemical industry and the Arabs can destroy our freedom. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that America has been infiltrated by the Talibomb- when its well documented that Hover was the one who taught the Iranians to spy on its people and set up their secret police and pass Moral judgment on its people – Hover, Rockefeller, Dow and DuPont petro chemical were the first ones to back Nixon and his drug war as they support the Arabs madrasas. When the right wing claims the only thing different between them and the talibomb is that one is just a cult it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why America has so many red states or why Pakistan ended up getting the nuclear bomb before the largest democracy in the world, India got it. Or why the most liberal state in the gulf who was giving its citizens free health care and discounted cigarettes, who didn’t force its women to cover themselves up became a victim of there lies and propaganda claiming weapons of mass destruction? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why it was the liberals who brought down the repressive Egypt government but it was the Muslim brotherhood who stole it from them- the list goes on and on but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why the first one on the no fly list wasn’t the Arab but the green party candidate talking about alternative fuels, no the only one who was able to fly during 9-11 was the Arab. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that while Mohamed something head of the world health organization insist that it’s not how hard an American works, regardless of all the money or science or he can never make a building safe for a smoker and nonsmoker to peacefully coexist, Really? But then it’s for the public good right, Hover of course had his public good- targeting the heterosexuals but then they have their population control and we have to make cuts in social security because of Americas aging population. No it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that America needs more Mary Magdalene, more Ruth’s, more king David’s wife’s, more Josephs and Mary’s and the Christian needs the right , the God given right to the power over the plants and animals God has granted to every man before the foreign owned pharmaceutical companies and Hovers gay cowards sell out the rest of our freedom attacking Berkeley subversives or the Berkeley elite for their wallets or in the name of their phony morality read more in the book ABOUT CHRISTIANS AND FREEDOM @
    To bc1900