Thursday, January 2, 2014

Your tax dollars

Your tax dollars Lets look at your tax dollars at work- while the Swiss pay their citizens $1,500.00 a month for being Swiss- Alaska only pays its citizens $ 400.00 a year- everyone knows advertising works and although their violence is acceptable in all its forms, the goodness of god, peace and love is demonized- look at Egypt and all the x-billions of dollars spent on that county, now the Muslim brother hood (which was created by England and the US )to bring unity to them, are carrying out alcida style attacks – alcida Created by the US to fight a proxy war in Afghanistan against the Russians now fighting against the Americans, and with the x-billion dollars spent on Pakistan which is dominated by right wing Muslim extremist (millions spent printing the koran in Nebraska for them) and in Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra backed by the US brought a drug war to their county killing over 1,500 people and is now tearing it apart, no longer many problems from the south armed groups of Muslim extremist infiltrating the country but just now to create divided amongst the people so the gays can wage economic warfare and stop the immoral girls from profiting, Thaksin Shinawatra was finally forced to seek refugee status is Saudi Arabia, proving they were backing him the whole time. Since the 1916 the oil industry has had unprecedented exemptions and subsidies (welfare for the rich) while the Muslims convert the richest 1% even the prince of England now converted to Muslim. while are schools are filled with violence and shootings you know they are graduates of their zero tolerance program – you have zero tolerance for me ill have zero tolerance for you and that will get us no where. we need to insure that our tax dollars and our big business within the boarders are supporting the ideas of America, freedom-liberty-truth and justice and equality, instead of big business fighting against the little mans property rights, because the tobacco companies cant take the poisons out of our cigarettes or protecting us from emanate domain the middle class is under attack , the poor’s been under attack a long time. While the CEOs make $ 4,000.00 an hour and the super rich like Goldman Sachs, the Walton and many others super rich avoid paying any tax at all, they demand we drug test all American employees don’t worry about the Chinese or imports from slave labor or drug testing any of them, no need for them to follow any environmental laws, no we have been giving the big corporations tax breaks while our government over regulates our small business using voodoo economics to bring in the cheep imports while eliminating the competition the American small business. targeting the 99% the 1% effort to use fraudulent science, propaganda, lobbing and buying votes to spend endlessly criminalizing our citizens spending 12.9 million dollars targeting Cheech and Chong and all they could get him for was selling glass art work out of state, another American small business bites the dust- they carry out their drug war as a genocide spending $ 30,000.00 a year plus on prisoners while making a billion off of collect phone calls from them another billion off uniforms, another from construction, they tell you its just black on black crimes- they tell you they cant do anything about all the crime and violence except more jails more police while they refuse to look at the root causes. The extreme poverty and depravation of our citizens while people on the streets have to fight over cigarette buds the rich enjoy their $ 1,000.00 lunches, while it only took one person working back in the 1950s today two people working cant even afford anything. Its time we restore the land of the free not the land with the largest jail population restructure the taxes to help the people, to serve and protect not persecute and oppress read more in the book about Christian and freedom @

The network

The network science fiction or science fact - The network is a group of people who have infiltrated all aspects of the government, selling out our personal liberty’s and civil rights using baseless and fraudulent science from some of the FDA, FBI,CIA and NSA are working to attack the middle class and small business. While any highly questionable study can win FDA approval, weed- marijuana that the American deceleration of independence was written on is criminalized classified as dangerous as heroin, backed by the oil industry the (some Arabs, talibomb Muslim and gays) they have recently turned the land of the freed into the one having the largest jail and criminal population in the world. Forcing us to give up out property rights our individual rights because the medical establishment has been able to create an unquestionable world monopoly. A monopoly that for profit has even patented the human genes, as they work to create a anti-drinking- anti -smoking world, selling out our MORTAL rights and what it means to be human. This medical establishment who owes its very existence to the oil industry uses fraudulent science outright lies and propaganda. They have been able to criminalize our modern day Thomas Edison’s, a coke head, Sigmund Freud, ship builders, industrialist, musicians and artists- they have been able to change America, gutting our industrial base- it’s not about everyone having an equal opportunity it’s about the 1 % ceasing control. God is the grate enabler, they profit only by denying us God and his natural goodness. They ignore a billion dollar paper industry, clothing industry, building industry and plastic industry from hemp, Henry Ford knew he could make plastics far superior and more environmentally sound from marijuana, he knew we could have fuel for $098.cents a gallon from weed and that MONEY would stay local but the oil industry has been able to buy tax subsidies and votes to criminalize our modern day Thomas Jeffersons, George Washingtons and many of our forefathers. Bails of hemp –weed moved up and down the Mississippi river100 years ago, for it took drugs and courage to settle the old west and anyone would a fool to believe the future would be any difference the only difference is are we going to continue to let a small group of select gods in white coats and their bounty hunter, (who just don’t make designer steroids for the jocks, but they control the crave,) not just with their nicotine patch, they want to control our thoughts with their endorphin studies and experiments using drugs and mind control for their profit, they continue to sell out our freedom and liberty – making the mass pay endlessly for the medical monopolies incompetence while denying the Americans the God given right to the power over the plants and animals. Science fiction or science fact you decide read more in the book ABOUT CHRISTIANS AND FREEDOM@

Thursday, December 26, 2013

for comedy purposes only ! really

Warning the following statements are for comedy purposes only ! if you don’t find them funny smoke a joint and try again, if you still don’t think it’s funny print it out and stick that in your pipe and smoke it , then you will have wished it was made from hemp. • Even the Gays should be able to agree with some of this, stop demonizing Adam and Eve, the heterosexual demands equal rights anyone who claims they are gay can seek refugee status in Europe but the heterosexual is attacked socially, emotionally and financially in America and he can never declare refugee status anywhere or profit. • The people who fought in the Korea war didn’t know how well they really had it, if they were captured they would at least get sex once a month, we need to guarantee this right to all Americans, before the Muslim take over and try to tell you the only way to get laid is to blow up buildings. • Desegregate the prisons with over 200,000 gay rapes we need to give these people what they want; surely the state could afford to hire some prostitutes for these men at $30,000.00 a year • Desegregate the gym locker rooms and bathrooms let the men see the other beauty that has God created • Get the government out of our bedrooms and body’s, out of our internet and phone conversations its time the state grow up and quit playing victim all the time • A marriage is a contract between two people the government should have no say unless that contract is broken • A person should learn by the age of 12 how to say no- education is the best prevention to abuse – it doesn’t take years to get to a phone.-make sure we all have access to cheap, free or safe hostels with no questions asked, for the homeless ,the traveler or abused wife or child • Sexting, texting or sexercising anything to insure that heaven and nature sings • They stack the population against the heterosexual - filling the population with Muslims when what we need is more single Thai, Pilipino and Chinese women • Its well documented Hover was a blatant transvestite according to Wired magazine they tortured the gays back in the 1950-60s Edgewood the Dachau for the gays- Hover was not just going after the criminal but the heterosexual and since none of those doctors have ever been brought to justice do they operate in hiding today? • Stop criminalizing public nudity and camping we need more steekers, if they pay for a parking meter weather a car or not they should be allowed to park camp or Loitering nude or not • Let’s look at Christmas- we honor Mary a girl of 14 and Joseph a man of 40 (normal for the Romans at that time)whose intention was to have sex with her, and of course god didn’t understand the importance of marriage she gets pregnant before the marriage, their god just wanted to put them though an almost stonable offence • We kiss under the mistletoe because mistletoe will create a miscarriage and that way nobody will know • Frosty the snow man, the chick wants to get laid can’t find a preacher to marry them so they make a snow man who can do the job just as well Read more in the Books ABOUT CHRISTIANS AND FREEDOM @

3 points when we could have a billion dollar paper industry, from hemp a billion dollar clothing industry, from hemp, a billion dollar hemp plastic industry, a billion dollar industry from hemp foam and insulation building industry and a billion dollar industry from hemp fuel , fuel that would only cost us $ 0.98 cents a gallon and all the money would stay local it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why the 1% and their Nazi attack the smoker gutting our cities our economy and carrying out a genocide, it’s time we bring the true criminals to justice 3- Points on the drug war 1. Your drug war is fraud it does nothing but create crime and violence feeding the gangs with endless money while allowing a small group of people in white coats to play god making the masses pay endlessly for the medical monopolies incompetence or be criminalized 2. Least we forget it took drugs and courage to settle the old west, let us give thanks to a coke head next time we turn on the light bulb for it was a coke head like Thomas Edison who brought us out of the dark ages- let us give thanks to a pot head next time we celebrate the 4th of July or drive in our autos for it was pot heads like T. Jefferson, G. Washington and Henry Ford all had something to do with weed. And let us give thanks to the cigarette smoker for it is the cigarette smoker and drinker who won WW1- WW.ll and it is the cigarette smoker who keeps the czar and his Nazis at bay, because everyone know coffee is self medicating and chocolate is like weed. 3. God saw what he made and it was good, God gave man the power over the plants and animals enshrined in the declaration of independence “gods nature and his natural goodness” there in declared written on paper made of weed- if you don’t like what god made rot in hell.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

For entertainment propose only

Help Wanted Smok Ingspirit For entertainment propose only Help Wanted Join the elite- The drug war is for a group of a few select who can hide in the back ground and play god as they make the masses pay endlessly for the medical monopolies incompetence or be criminalized. Must be: able to sit around and get drunk and stoned at taxpayers expense playing high roller and teaching people like Cheech and Chong about friendship in America. Willing to bust into an 80 year old lady house and shot her for traces of weed, attack cancer and scoliosis patient. Stand on the street corner and when someone drives by in a nice car put a magnifying glass under their life, once you label him the next agent will just have to work harder to fulfill your lie or risk a promotion, you get to keep anything you can steal. Take your holidays in Hovers Holiday Hotel, lots of gay rapes and group showers for you to investigate. REQUIRMENT: David Copperfield and Chris Angel magic tricks, must be able to use meta data using just small bits of sabotage to disrupt the criminal element, (your not paid to write nice reports on the smoker) knowledge of the use of drugs, they don’t just make designer steroids for the jocks and they just don’t lie about the fen fen or viox, from their nicotine patch to their Parkinson’s drug, they give out promotions for spraying parquet on weed knowing it does noting but give the smoker cancer ,and they just don’t control the crave with their nicotine patch. MASTER: at air powered weapons, lasers and sound technology, searching bank records to find the coffee spent on a co worker or friend of a married heterosexual to exploit and destroy that marriage and then forced conversion in Hovers Holiday Hotel Apply: anywhere where you would fill out the form to grow or smoke in your own home or business or call 188-NSA-DEA* Smok Eingspirit!/smokingspirit123

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The state needs to grow up

The state needs to grow up The state needs to grow up and quit playing victim all the time- these talibomb scum who work to sell out our freedom for their wallets need to start accepting the rights, the will, of the people, while these gay Nazi hide in the background passing their marriage tax- marriage penalty for health care denying the American male the money to afford anything. keeping the immoral away from bars, saving the decedent American from that sin and stoning the Good Samaritan with their drug war far worse than they ever did back in the olden days-they tell you they only want to torture the heroin addict in San Francisco with their endorphin studies for the public good when really they are targeting the Heterosexual. Bill Gate and Warren Buffet continue to feed the medical monopoly as they control the crave. Paying for the medical monopoly to do their advertising that says they want to see a world where no one ever smokes. From their nicotine patch to their Parkinson drug they control the crave. All the doctors in France couldn’t figure out Lance Armstrong was lying. Their silent genocide against the immoral the decedent American is well proven, with their corrupt prosecutors who can operate with impunity, to the head of the DEA admitting trying to kill Daniel Chong (San Diego state university student 420 party) who was just some “punk ass stoner” and although its well document they tortured the libertarian Candidate for governor Cal-( they held him until he pissed blood) then they gave him a chemical substitute for weed – were they man enough to admits that weed is a necessity for some ? no they continued to brain wash him and the person who was instrumental in getting the weed laws passed in California until he was converted and the first thing he said when he got out prison was how great their chemicals are and how dangers weed is, why don’t we find out who these cockroach coward are who are making weed so dangers, and bring these racist cowards to justice – Hovers holiday hotel is not built by lack of incompetence or negligence but by design, while any Saudi citizen who attacks America gets a wife and a house over half of the homeless are veterans .They spay parquet on weed knowing it did nothing but give the smoker cancer, and then they get a promotion when they get caught as long as they agree not to spray parquet on the weed any more but that doesn’t exclude the 999 other tricks they do to make the world anti-smoking and anti-drinking and anti-Christian read more in the book ABOUT CHRISTIANS AND Smok Ingspirit<> Not for profit is how it all started Not for profit is how it all started until they realized they could make billions and no one dare stop them. From their nicotine patch to their Parkinson’s drug they control the crave. The talibomb, the Arabs have drilling technology that is not available to the general scientific community. When we could have fuel from weed, hemp for 0.98 cents a gallon it is no secret why they work so hard to keep weed illegal, or why America has the highest addiction rate in the world, they didn’t just use small pox blankets against the American Indians. You hear it in so many songs “preacher man in Georgia makes me feel right at home, can’t stay in Georgia long”, “these ain’t dues I’ve been paying”,“try to run you out of town its more than just an aggravation”. This secret technology, sabotage that was used against the gays in the 1950s has been taken over by the Arabs. Their drug war is another way of saying you pay endlessly for the medical monopolies incompetence or you are criminalized, everyone’s supposed to believe it’s just the immoral American movie stars who get hooked to their drugs, or the Arabs just like buying up L.A. because they like to be next to these immoral, while they hide in the back ground carrying out a genocide. The medical establishment would not be the same if it was not for the oil industries they are as interwoven as Hover was with the Iranians teaching them how to pass moral judgment on the people secretly, while enjoying their dancing boys and although you are to believe they had nothing to do with all the crack and the crack epidemic that hit the US during the Iran contra “What suit wouldn’t turn a blind eye to the long haired hippy back in the 60s-70s” Hover and his gang of gay cowards built the jails, with their group shower to convert the heterosexual violently in their prisons. This blatant transvestite was/is really targeting the heterosexual. About ten years ago an FBI agent in south east Asia who was exposing what they are really doing, not giving out classified info but warning a few people of what they are secretly doing, he was convicted not because of releasing classified info but because something showing Adam and Eve, Joseph and Mary they claimed they found on his computer, they don’t just plant drugs on people in LA- NY- Fla, they target the American male denying him everything human as these gay cowards hide in the background drugging conditioning and programing him to carry out their fantasy’s. The Thailand president Shinawatra who used the drug war to kill over 1500 Thai citizen in the name of the drug war. He had to seek refugee status in Saudi Arabia, proving that the drug war is backed by the Arabs, they work to demonize sex tours to Thailand claiming these women are better off living under controlling men and dependent on his money god just didn’t know what he was doing when he made the nymphomaniac and they work to destroy the desire in women(Canada researcher) they use the medical monopoly to determine the new morality of the world and since their weapons are forever classified since man only sees a small fraction of true light or sound they get to play god and sell out our freedom our humanity our mortality for their wallets read more in the book About Christians and

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How the cigarette saved my life

How the cigarette saved my life The burnt offering of St. Anthony- lord Shiva- Buddha and St. Nicolas are in our DNA- the genetic neurological, historical, natural and religious rights of man are essential . My travels and experience has shown the necessary and beneficial effects of smoking.-Of course they will probably give me cancer so they can say see he shouldn’t smoke, but they do this to anyone who won’t agree with them. From getting caught in a freak snow storm in Colorado and having a lighter to build a fire, to going into a cave with 8 people all of us having two lights after walking around for hours we stopped to have a smoke break after smoking we continued to try to find our way out when we all started smelling the smoke knowing we had been walking in circles we split up to find the exit when we exited the cave we only had 3 working lights out of the group if we hadn’t smoked we would have been dead. The other incident was when I was traveling in a foreign land I was warned the night before about taking taxis at night could be dangours- well after my night out I got into this cab and the cab drivers make shift fan seemed to be blowing some fumes on me that were making me very, very tired so I rolled down the window and the taxi driver insisted I roll the window up, so I lit up a cigarette and insisted the window needed to stay down he stopped and let me out feeling an awaking from the fresh air and smoke I made it home safe. These and a few other experiences saved my life and I'm sure my simple pleasures and enjoyments from a smoke filled room are small to those who made the ultimate sacrifice – the tobacco farmer who helped win world war I and WWII and although the medical monopoly and the foreign owned pharmaceutical companies will tell Americans we have to give up our property rights (no smoking) I know this burnt offering is a religious-spiritual gift from God.